The impact of COVID-19 has been profound. Each country of the world has had to face up to the challenge of overburdened health care systems compounded with an economic downturn as people’s everyday lives are put on hold to ensure that people that do fall ill receive the best care available. The personal toll is considerable, with many people aware of someone who has fallen gravely ill or succumbed to the illness.
Governments around the world are keenly aware of the regional and global economic downturn underway. Governments have asked the banks to supply bridging finance to large and small companies over the periods of imposed lockdowns as all firms adapt to new working conditions or drastically scale back their business operations.
The extent and length of time of this economic adjustment could lead to significant impacts on the economy in the long-term. After the initial response, banks start to assess the longer-term impact on their balance sheets.
Quant Foundry has developed and application in conjunction with Imperial College Business School. The application allows individuals to estimate their probability of being infected by SaRs-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
YRisk-COVID Application

The application and model are owned by Quant Foundry but have been deployed for research with the Business School and the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial. More about this initiative can be found below.
We are all heroes if we can protect others by reducing our risks
We all have our own individual desire to take risks, we take risks consciously and unconsciously every day, whether out of necessity or lack of insight. However, with a decent amount of information and understanding we can make better decisions, and this is what the YRisk-COVID app is about. Being able to see how our own actions and decisions affect our risk allows us to make better choices and protect those around us. The personal score combines the impact across all the aspects of your typical daily life giving you your overall risk score.
The app will allow you to benchmark your risk score with that of others in your local area, the UK and we plan to provide even more granular views of risk using the data you provide. The app will allow you to consider how your risk has changed if, for example, you now have to travel to work and regional levels of COVID-19 infection have increased. You will be able to see the impact in the app and make better choices and inform your family, friends and work or study colleagues

Please use the following email enquiries+covid19@quantfoundry.com for an expoloratory conversation, if you would like to use the application for commercial purposes.
Dr Chris Cormack